Markets by Trading view
We tried many things on our journey and we eventually came up with the solution we have today. We had a plan, but we were open to new ideas and tried not to limit ourselves to any technology or methodology. It was the freedom and agility from day One that allowed us to act as an independent company, build the startup culture and make sure we can come up with the best possible solution.
Mobey Forum is a place where banks can come together in a commercially neutral environment to exchange experiences and learnings and identify best practices. It’s a forum where banks can discuss what has worked and what hasn’t with peers from other non-competing banks. We provide the platform for those types of discussions in our Member Meetings and in our Expert Groups – both of which always take place under Chatham House Rules to increase the level of trust and enable openness and frank discussions of the real issues.
An equity trader throws client documents into a home office wastepaper basket, making a mental note to deal with its proper disposal later; a front-office salesperson unknowingly discusses confidential information in earshot of a roommate, who happens to work at a competing dealer; a bond trader working remotely leaves their computer unlocked and steps out to run an errand, and another house member quickly uses the computer to access the Internet, unaware that “hotkeys” are enabled, resulting in unintentional buying and selling of various securities; and a financial adviser, frustrated at being unable to dial into a recorded phone line, gives up and calls the client using his personal mobile phone.
n May 28th Muddy Waters posted on its’ site regarding GSX’s reply to its’ report that “GSX’s responses since consist largely of drivel, designed to obfuscate and lie. We maintain our view that GSX is a massive fraud – i.e., it is a nearly empty box. Making GSX’s denials even more farcical is that it openly recruits engineers to help it run bot farms, which we show in this report.“


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