NFT Investments, an investment company specializing in non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”), is pleased to announce that it has doubled the size of its initial public offering on the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market (Access segment) to £20m before expenses, a record amount to be raised on AQSE.
The increased fund-raising move is in response to strong investor interest in the Company’s planned share placing and application to join AQSE later this month.
NFT Investments is being launched on AQSE by the co-founders of Argo Blockchain, a leading crypto miner valued at more than $1 billion, to invest in NFTs. Due to the strong demand, the Company now plans to issue 400 million new ordinary shares at 5p each to investors, twice the size of its initial goal. The placing is expected to value the Company at £35m on flotation.
NFT Investments is the world’s first pure-play investment company focused exclusively on investing in NFTs to launch on a stock market in a major jurisdiction worldwide.
The Company is being advised by First Sentinel Corporate Finance and its joint brokers are Novum Securities and Tennyson Securities. First dealings in the shares are expected to commence later this month.
Jonathan Bixby, Executive Chairman of NFT Investments, said: “We are very encouraged by the strong interest from a wide range of investors who clearly wish to gain early exposure to the fast-growing market for NFTs, which we believe offers a considerable long term growth opportunity, just as the cryptocurrency sector has so far. We are thrilled to be able to offer a broker option to democratize access to this hard-to-reach market.”
Broker Option
To provide eligible investors with the opportunity to participate in the fundraising, the Company has granted an option (the “Broker Option”) to Novum Securities, subject to Admission, to subscribe for up to an additional 60,000,000 new ordinary shares (the “Broker Option Shares”) at 5p per share, exercisable before 5:00pm on 9th April 2021. Depending on demand, the number of Broker Option Shares subject to the Broker Option may be increased at the discretion of the Company with the written agreement of Novum Securities. If the Broker Option is fully taken up, it will raise an additional £3 million. If the Broker Option is not fully subscribed by 5:00pm on 9th April 2021, orders from eligible investors will be satisfied in full, and the balance of the Broker Option shall lapse. To participate in the Broker Option, eligible investors should communicate their interest to Novum Securities directly in the first instance or alternatively via their independent financial adviser, stockbroker or other firm authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.