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Comrade Britney Calls for Wealth Redistribution


Britney Spears has come forefront to central bankers’ minds (providing they keep instauptodate) for calling for the redistribution of wealth and a general strike. She is unquestionably “just a girl with the ability to drive a man crazy”.

Frankly speaking, Swiss-based BIS discussions just got even more “hot as ice”, as they can now include the Queen of Pop into their discussions on UBI and QEternity. There might be a new disruptor influencer in town…

The instapost in question;

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Communion goes beyond walls 🌹🌹🌹

A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

I don’t know about anyone else, but “I think my loneliness ain’t killing me no more. I’m stronger — stronger.” And her avid fanbase has begun to launch a meme onslaught, naturally.

Her post may be giving some much-needed solace to the masses as more than 3..2 million new unemployment claims in the U.S. have been registered today.

And as the UK reveals almost half a million new benefit claimants in the past 9 days ( “This type of love isn’t rational / it’s physical” — perhaps even “criminal”.

And Britney may be quite a voice on the subject of wealth and fiscal policy. According to Business Insider, Spears is worth $59 million. She has obviously been practicing what she preaches. Perhaps we should “all work it hard like it’s your profession — work b****.” The only trouble is there is not a great deal of work to go around these days.

We are not entirely sure how many traders and portfolio managers are watching her feed, but perhaps Spears knows more about equity markets that was once thought as her insight of “boy, don’t try to front / I know just what you are” has ramped up fear in stock markets as per Reuters, “world share markets fell on Thursday as nerves over jobs data likely to lay bare the economic carnage from the coronavirus pandemic outweighed a $2 trillion U.S. stimulus package.”

Meanwhile, in Russia, an opposition leader has had his bank account and those of his family, frozen and seized. According to Reuters, even “his 11-year-old son’s savings, the result of weekly pocket money handouts, had also disappeared, he said on his website” “Hit me, baby, one more time.”

We don’t want to speculate as to why this has come about, although one possibility for piggy bank raids could be due to the Oil War launched earlier this month between KSA and Russia. “Oops! … [they] did it again.”

According to Irina Slav of “Russia’s economy needs about a trillion rubles, or roughly $12.7 billion a month over the next few months to emerge stable from the coronavirus pandemic and the oil price crash, the chairman of a business organization told TASS.”

Slav continued “The way I see it implies that we should maintain GDP and spend several trillion rubles to stabilize the [economic] situation. For now, we can talk of about one trillion rubles a month,” Alexey Repik, chairman of Business Russia, told the news agency in an interview.”

Times are tighter, and continue to get a heavier burden for us all to live under. Although DisruptionBanking recognizes the danger of UBI to inflation, it is a) arguably much needed and b) can be a short-term demand and supply equilibrium balancer (including the staving off of starvation).

We once again echo support for UBI.

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Editor’s Note: Publisher requested topic. The Editor neither condones nor supports either The Queen of Pop nor Platov, but concedes the catchiness of her lyrics and occasionally processes trades in RUB.

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